

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Get to know the Photographer

While I'm sure you all are just at the edge of your seats waiting for my latest photo shoot posts I thought I would share some things about myself for those of you who don't know me so well. So here are 10 random facts about ME!

1. I've been known to eat dessert for dinner.

2. Sometimes I enjoy going to the movies just for the previews. I never even skip the previews on a older movie I watch at home. This drives my husband nuts!

3. I will always be a small town girl no matter how big of a city I live in.

4. I am terrified of heights, speaking in public and pretty much all insects in general.

5. When it comes to being in front of the camera or behind it I most often would choose behind it! I find much greater joy in capturing the beauty of someone else than my own!

6. I am first and for most a mother. Even though it can be a tiring job I love it that when I go somewhere without my daughter I feel like a huge part of me is missing. Don't get me wrong, I love me a girls nights out!

7. A library for me is equivalent to a candy store for a child. I could spend hours and hours there and I'm not talking about the libraries on college campus's that people flock to study at.

8. I'll admit that I've watched a good number of those cheesy Hallmark movies as well as almost every cheesy romantic movie on netflix and enjoyed them.

9. I don't really know how to properly iron clothing. My idea of ironing includes a spray bottle and shaking out all the wrinkles.

10. My husband teases me that one of the things I like to do for fun is talk. I could visit with someone for hours on end and still could go on longer!

Thanks to everyone for their support as I open up and share my love for photography as I continue to learn and gain experience!

Speaking of liking to be behind the camera I don't really have any recent family pictures! Next on my to-do list!

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