

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fall Giveaway!!

My favorite season is fall! This is also one of my favorite season to take pictures! Now that school has started and it's almost September, fall is just around the corner. I've decided to celebrate and do a fall giveaway!

I really appreciate everyone's support and can't wait to hear from you!
The Fine Print
-Must be 18 or older to win
-Session must be used by December 1, 2012
-Session may be upgraded to a full session at an additional price
-Winner must live around Salt Lake or Utah County area or be willing to do the shoot in the area
-If winner does not respond within 24 hours a new winner will be selected


  1. Done, done, and done. I can enter, right? ;) And my favorite thing about fall is normally the changing colors of the leaves. But this year...I'm looking forward to cooler weather! :)

    kmwright23 at gmail dot com

  2. I like you on facebook! I shared this blog post And I am a follower :) My favorite thing about fall is all the colors and the crispness in the air.

  3. Liked, shared, and followed :) And my favorite thing about fall is everything! Fall is when I first met my hubby, so everything from the smell to the nice cool air just makes me happy!

  4. Hooray! I liked you and shared this blog post on my wall. I love fall for its crisp temperatures and colorful fall leaves but I especially love the pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cheesecake bars, etc.

  5. Hey! I love following your photography blog (I use Google Reader). You do such beautiful work! My favorite thing about fall is wearing sweaters without having to cover them up with a coat! My email is just my name at gmail.

  6. Well I didn't have to do much because I already liked your facebook page and I am already a follower on your blog and I shared this on my facebook wall. This is so exciting I love your work! My favorite thing about the fall is all the change in the air, the cool air, the change of the trees, and the holidays.

  7. Hanna-

    I have "liked" Hanna Caldwell Photography's Facebook page, am a follower on your photography blog, and "shared" your giveaway blog post on Facebook. And here is my "post" to your blog! My favorite thing about fall is the "hint" of coolness in the air, the colors and just the feeling that is in the's kind of mysterious to me. :) My email is Thanks again for doing our little guy's pics.....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!

  8. I "Liked" your facebook page, and "shared" your giveaway post on my facebook wall!! I love the cool crisp air and change of color on the trees. My email is christiannmicah@gmail(dot)com
    P.S. I am Candice Perez's sister :)

  9. I liked your page, shared the giveaway post and am currently trying to figure out how to follow this blog I am just absolutely in love with the colours and cooler temperatures. Plus my entire wardrobe revolves around Fall. I just love sweaters. Email is

  10. DID ALL THREE. Email is I love what your doing with photography!

    1. Whoops and my favorite thing about fall is it's cuddle season and you can wear scarves and boots!

  11. Love your photography, Hanna! I have liked, shared, and followed! My favorite thing about Fall is being able to wear boots and scarves and I love anything with pumpkin in it! :)

  12. I shared this post, liked your page, and followed your beautiful blog! My email is My favorite thing about fall is drinking a big mug of hot cocoa!


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